
Friday, July 25, 2014

Compellent Serial Console over iDRAC

To get it working a few steps have to be taken on both Controllers:
1.       Configure iDRAC
a.       Go to Network->Serial
b.      Set IPMI’s Baud Rate to 115.2 kbps (Compellent Serial Port Baud Rate)
c.       Apply Settings
2.       During boot enter the Controller’s BIOS
a.       Go to “Serial Communication”
b.      Switch from “Off” to “On without Redirection”
c.       Switch Port Configuration from “Serial Device1=COM1;Serial Device2=COM2” to “Serial Device1=COM2;Serial Device2=COM1”
d.      Save Settings and Reboot Controller

After these steps the Compellent’s serial console is available via iDRAC:
Login to iDRAC using SSH and type “connect” at the prompt. After that the SSH session shows the serial console as if directly connected to the system’s serial port.

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Wednesday, July 16, 2014


Implementation Plan

Monday, July 14, 2014

vSphere Advanced Settings

ESX Host Advanced Settings
ESX Advanced parameter
Default value
Changed Value
Syslog servers
See. Table 122 SYSLOG Servers
Centralized syslog for troubleshooting and security audits.
Creates unique subdirectories in shared datastore scratch location.

[TEMPLATES-01] /scratch/log/
We use SD cards in ESX hosts where ramdisk is used for logs and core dumps.
This setting instructs ESXi to use shared datastore instead local ramdisk for scratch location.
ESXi Shell (SSH, concole) log out time-out value in seconds. Changed value 1800 seconds (30 min) increase security.
Disables warning message that SSH is enabled.
ESX Admins
We have two AD groups of ESX Admins managing pPODs in different datacenters.
Terminates VMs in case LUN device is permanently lost. 
Don't remove datastores in PDL automatically.

vSphere HA Advanced Settings
HA Cluster Advanced parameter
Default value
Changed Value
Defines the default CPU resource value assigned to a virtual machine if its CPU reservation is not specified or zero. This is used for the Host Failures Cluster Tolerates admission control policy.
Default min reservation 570MHz per VM solves vCloud Director CPU Max OverBooking Ratio.
Single ESX host can serve 29GHz.
50 * 570MHz = 28.5GHz
This is an accompanying configuration that helps vSphere HA distinguish between VMs that were once powered on and should be restarted versus VMs that were already powered off when a PDL occurred therefore these are VMs that don’t need to be and more importantly probably should not be restarted

ESX disk scheduler vDisk behavior

vDisk IOPS limit = 400 IOPS
IO Block Size
# of 
vDisk IOPS achieved
512B 1 400 400
512B 4 400 400
512B 8 400 400
512B 16 400 400
2kB 1 400 400
2kB 4 400 400
2kB 8 400 400
2kB 16 400 400
4kB 1 400 300
4kB 4 400 400
4kB 8 400 400
4kB 16 400 400
16kB 1 400 240
16kB 4 400 400
16kB 8 400 400
16kB 16 400 400
32kB 1 400 200
32kB 4 400 400
32kB 8 400 400
32kB 16 400 400
64kB 1 400 150
64kB 4 400 320
64kB 8 400 400
64kB 16 400 400
256kB 1 400 115
256kB 4 400 185
256kB 8 400 240
256kB 16 400 380
256kB 32 400 380
1MB 1 400 80
1MB 8 400 180
1MB 16 400 180
1MB 24 400 180
1MB 32 400 180

Sunday, July 6, 2014

Egress-Interface-Selection Feature F10

If you use the ooB Management Interface you configure an “ip management-route”.
For the IP Vlan Interfaces you use the normal Routing Table by adding routs with” ip route” command.

But if you make an SSH  connection or an ICMP Ping to the ooB Management IP-Address the Switch will answer via an Interface that is closes to your Source by looking into both Routing Tables. Means, it could happen that you Ping the Switch on ooB IP and the Switch will Answer with an Vlan In terface as Source. That could cause Problems because of unsycrone Rounting, it will make Problems if IP  ACLs are used to regulate Management Access or if an Firewall is in the Traffic Path,……

Egress Interface Selection (EIS)

EIS allows you to isolate the management and front-end port domains by preventing switch-initiated traffic routing between the two domains. This feature provides additional security by preventing flooding attacks on front-end ports. The following protocols support EIS: DNS, FTP, NTP, RADIUS, sFlow, SNMP, SSH, Syslog, TACACS, Telnet, and TFTP. This feature does not support sFlow on stacked units. When you enable this feature, all management routes (connected, static, and default) are copied to the management EIS routing table. Use the management route command to add new management routes to the default and EIS routing tables. Use the show ip management-eis-route command to view the EIS routes.

Important Points to Remember
·         Deleting a management route removes the route from both the EIS routing table and the default routing table.
·         If the management port is down or route lookup fails in the management EIS routing table, the outgoing interface is selected based on route lookup from the default routing table.
·         If a route in the EIS table conflicts with a front-end port route, the front-end port route has precedence.
·         Due to protocol, ARP packets received through the management port create two ARP entries (one for the lookup in the EIS table and one for the default routing table).

management egress-interface-selection
application dns
application ftp
application http
application icmp
application ntp
application radius
application sflow-collector
application snmp
application ssh
application syslog
application tacacs
application telnet
application tftp