
Wednesday, October 9, 2024



Nize je priklad postupu pro vymenu VMCA certifikatu za certifikat podepsany CA.


Replace VMCA certificate with a CA-signed certificate


1.       Login to vCenter management console as root and run vCert utility (download from Google Drive).

2.       Select:

--> 3. Manage certificates

--> 12. VMCA certificate

--> 3. Replace VMCA certificate with a CA-signed certificate

--> 1. Generate Certificate Signing Request and Private Key

Certificate Signing Request Information [VMCA]


Enter the country code [US]: CZ

Enter the Organization name []: Cloud4com

Enter the Organizational Unit name [VMware Engineering]: C4T

Enter the state [California]: Prague

Enter the locality (city) name [Palo Alto]: Prague

Enter the IP address (optional):

Enter an email address (optional):

Enter any additional hostnames for SAN entries (comma separated value):


Enter a value for the CommonName of the certificate [CA]: PRG03T1-VC01-CA

Include host short name (prg03p1-vc01) as a Subject Alternative Name entry? [n]: n


The following items will be added as Subject Alternative Name entries on the 'VMCA' Certificate Signing Request:




If you want any additional items added as Subject Alternative Name entries, enter them as a comma-separated list (optional):


Certificate Signing Request generated at /root/vCert-master/20240910/requests/vmca-20240910113729.csr

Private Key generated at /root/vCert-master/20240910/requests/vmca-20240910113729.key



3.       Open https://c4t-ca01.c4t.loc/certsrv and issue new certificate using the generated Certificate Signing Request and C4T Subordinate CA template.

4.       Download the certificate in Base64 encoding.

5.       Copy the content of the issued certificate to vCenter console (vi /root/vCert-master/20240910/requests/vmca-20240910113729.pem).

6.       Copy the content of the TEST ROOT CA certificate to vCenter console (vi /root/TEST_ROOT_CA.pem).

7.       Run vCert utility again and select:

--> 3. Manage certificates

--> 12. VMCA certificate

--> 3. Replace VMCA certificate with a CA-signed certificate

--> 3. Import CA-signed Certificate and Key


8.       Enter path to certificate and CA certificate:

Provide path to the CA-signed VMCA certificate: /root/vCert-master/20240910/requests/vmca-20240910113729.pem

Provide path to the Certificate Authority chain: /root/TEST_ROOT_CA.pem


Certificate Verification


Verifying certificate and key:                                 OK

Verifying CA certificate:                                      OK

Backing up certificate and private key                         OK

Reconfigure VMCA                                               OK

Publish CA certificates to VMDir                               OK


9.       Enter Certificate Signing Request information for vCenter certificates (Machine certificate, Solution user certificates, STS Signing certificate):

Certificate Signing Request Information


Enter the country code [US]: CZ

Enter the Organization name [VMware]: Cloud4com

Enter the Organizational Unit name [VMware Engineering]: C4T

Enter the state [California]: Prague

Enter the locality (city) name [Palo Alto]: Prague

Enter the IP address (optional):

Enter an email address (optional):


10.    Now all certificates replacement procedure should start and proceed automatically.

11.    Restart VMware services:

Restart VMware services [no]: yes


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