
Wednesday, January 27, 2021

New GS Lightning Feature For TAMs | EA Member Notification & Automatically Be Added Into SR Emails

 Hello fellow TAMs.  


A few months ago on our TAM Chat #337: Latest Updates from GS Lightning for TAMs, a feature request was asked of our GS Lightning PM.    This past week, I have been working our PM & SFDC Helpdesk on the new feature.  Thanks to a few TAMs who helped test, we can confirm that this new feature is working and available for all TAMs if you wish to activate it. 


Our New EA Member Notification Feature


            All TAMs have the ability inside GS Lightning to associate themselves with our customers’ Entitlement Account Number.  As part of this process there are two check boxes.  Subscribe & Opting For Case Emails. 

            By checking both boxes your email address will be automatically cc’d into the email chains and visible to your customer from the first outbound email.


                        Feedback has already been positive;  “Other than me adding myself to the EA per your instructions, I have absolutely no idea why I’m added to the SR email chain.  Which is a good thing….we want to be tagged on the SRs”

                             Show your value and dedication to your customer by automatically & effortlessly including your name into every SR. 



How To Set Up This New Feature


  1. From inside GS Lightning, open up one of the most recent SRs for your customer
  2. Using the left-hand pane.  Scroll down and look for the Entitlement Account Number (which is a hyperlink).  If your SR does not display an Entitlement Account Number, the SR might be a non-technical SR (License, portal etc.) or has been opened outside of the EA.  Try another SR or search for the EA Number via a report. 
  3. Click on the Entitlement Account Number hyperlink. 





  1. The Entitlement Account page should be displayed, at the top click on EA Members




  1. On the righthand side of the EA Members page, click New



  1. Next enter the information in the New EA Members screen
  1. A meaningful reference that you will recognize
  2. Start to type out your full name until your account is listed below (email/username does not work). 
  3. Click & Select your name from the populated dropdown

Each completed section will highlight in yellow. 




  1. Ensure you have selected both check boxes to enable the account & automatically add the email into the Additional Email field for any new SRs created under that EA. 
  2. Click Save






FAQ (AKA All I know so far). 


  • The above process needs to be performed to add your email into the SR Feed/Chain.  This is optional, but who doesn’t like to demonstrate value and a one team effort to your customers? 


  • For customers with multiple EAs.  The above process needs to be performed for each Entitlement Accounts (EAs) that your customer has.  (I feel for you).


  • This is a similar process to the former SFDC Add Account Member; whereas you received a text based GSS Portal email of a case being open.  This new feature inserts your email address into the SR email chain.  

I believe that former SFDC process was disabled but this functionality is still inside GS Lightning which results in receiving only the truncated opening summary of the SR.  I could be wrong and maybe the Subscribe button here acts in the same manner, but for the EA Member not Account. Feel free to test and report back, 


  • The first email you get cc’d into is the first outbound email from the assigned TSE, you do not receive the initial automated outbound email (aka) the receipt of opening an SR.

How much value is demonstrated here?  A customer opens an SR, when they receive their initial TSE email and you are already part of that correspondence chain.  I know many TAMs manually add themselves into each case just to provide that value.  Now this can be automated. 


  • I am happy to hear feedback or questions and funnel any questions to our PM and Helpdesk. 


I wish you and your family well. 


Thank you, 


Hadleigh Rush

Sr VMware TAM



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