
Wednesday, December 9, 2020

How to get the storage Array and Vendor Model Type for a datastore (NNA idetifier)


I am trying to build a script to run for each cluster in our environment and there is a challenge in it that we run multiple different types of storage in our environment . we have an EMC FC Array VNX 5000 and an EMC VMAX and an ISCSI storage from another vendor .

IS there a way to run a powercli script to publish a report that can identify what is the type and version of storage array it is from ?.

Below is the good description of the naa id naming convention that i managed to get from google and some of my own research  .

The naa identifier comes in the form of naa.aaaaaaaabbbbbbbbbbbbccdddddddddd .Below is some information that i have gathered for the following parts and not sure about C in it .

The breakdown is as follows:

  • aaaaaaaa is an 8 digit vendor identifier, and I’ve listed the vendors we use below, as well as others I’ve been able to find online:
    • 60060480 <— EMC
    • 60000970 <- EMC VMAX
    • 600508b1 < Hp local storage
    • 60060e80 <— HDS
    • 60a98000 <— NetApp
    • 514f0c59 - Xtreme I/O EMC
    • 60060160 <— DGC (Clarrion or VNX storage array )
    • 6090a038 <— EQL
  • bbbbbbbbbbbb is a 12 digit serial # of the device providing the storage.  This may differ from device to device, but matches up perfectly to the id’s from our Symm.  Our mileage may vary, but it’s held up so far.
  • cc is a 2 digit code for something not sure what it is .
  • dddddddddd is a 10 digit LUN identifier.  This differed based on the device on how the device ID is actually represented.
    • HDS – was the most straightforward.  It represented in the naa id, the actual device ID being used on the array side.
    • EMC – was very confusing.  You will have to take the 10 digits in pairs, that will give you the ASCII code in hex, for the pair, which after being concatenated give  you the device id.  Very straightforward, I know.  Here’s an example:
      • 60060480bbbbbbbbbbbb533031464446
      • 60060480 makes this EMC
      • bbbbbbbbbbbb serial number which I’ll keep to myself.
      • 53 which will drive me crazy
      • 3031464446 –> which will break down to 30  31  46  44  46 –> which gives us a device id of 01FDF
        • 30 –> converted to decimal from hex= 48 –> which in ASCII = 0
        • 31 –> converted to decimal from hex= 49 –> which in ASCII = 1
        • 46 –> converted to decimal from hex= 70 –> which in ASCII = F
        • 44 –> converted to decimal from hex= 68 –> which in ASCII = D
        • 46 –> converted to decimal from hex= 70 –> which in ASCII = F

We can get the naa id for all the luns that we have presented to our hosts but not sure how can i publish the report in the below coloumn format  .

Cluster name | esx host | datstore name | used capacity | total capacity | Storage type |

under storage type i want to publish if its a vmax or vnx or extreme I/O in the  below screenshot i can only get the vendor type .

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