
Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Latency Sensitivity Setting

Virtualizing NFV is always a fun challenge, especially the data-plane telco workloads. It helped me back in my Vodafone Netherlands days, to have a thorough understanding of what the applications really require when talking ‘latency sensitivity’. For example, an EPC node would require CPU pinning for the vCPU’s that are dedicated for DPDK packet processing. Control-plane workloads are typically not relying on latency that much, but for logging purposes are more interested in storage I/O.

The host resources deep dive book goes into details on various constructs within the ESXi networking stack that could introduce, or lower, latency. Stuff like Interrupt Coalescing. Also, preferHT settings helped me to virtualize telco apps and keep them within NUMA nodes. Etc. Etc.

In vSphere 7, we also introduced something called Selective CPU Latency Sensitivity. This allows you to pin certain vCPU’s to a CPU core within a VM, and not all vCPU’s like with the ‘normal’ Latency Sensitive setting. This feature is only exposed as a VMODL API call which is being used by vCloud Director to expose it to telco customers. We have a backlog item to add this to the vCenter UI along with documentation. That’s why you won’t see it mentioned in any of the public materials.

I’m not sure if the performance team, or Telco NFV team, is looking into updating the whitepaper about latency sensitive applications. Maybe @Mark Achtemichuk can provide more details on that?

Niels Hagoort <>


The most important piece to this is ensuring there is enough compute cycles, without contention, for vSphere network worlds.

VS7 would be the preferred platform due to various enhancements.

I have a whitepaper here I helped with for Media & Entertainment but it’s about network tuning and low latency really when using vmxnet3:

More NFV here:

Depending on the workload they might need/consider N-VDS:

Mark Achtemichuk <>


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