
Friday, February 21, 2020

vSphere Support for Intel Optane Persistent Memory

VMware and Intel are working closely to develop the market and use-cases for Intel’s Optane Persistent Memory (PMEM).

This technology is available in two modes: 
  • App-direct mode (AD in short, also known as Persistent Memory): vSphere 6.7 U3 enables Intel®Optane DC Persistent Memory in “App-Direct” mode. You can take advantage of the large capacity, affordability and persistence benefits offered in this mode and deploy in production any supported 3rd party application without any restriction with full VMware support. VMware encourages its customers to leverage this technology in “App-Direct” mode. For more information on the App-Direct mode performance benefits in virtualization environment, please refer to PMEM App-Direct WP.
  • Memory-Mode (MM): vSphere 6.7 Update 3 enable Intel® Optane DC Persistent Memory inMemory” mode. vSphere usage of Intel® Optane DC Persistent Memory in Memory modecan offer increased memory capacity and TCO improvements for relevant workloads. Initially, VMware will support “Memory” mode for appropriate use-cases in production deployments (refer toPMEM memory-mode WP); such a deployment should go through RPQ process to secure VMware support.

Specific vSphere and VSAN support statement for this technology is available in this KB articlevSphere Support for Intel's Optane DC Persistent Memory (PMEM) (67645). Please note the recommended version to use is vSphere is 6.7u3.

If customers are using this technology in App-Direct Mode, there is no explicit approval needed. VMware support this technology on certified hardware. You can find the list of certified hardwarehere.

If customers are using this technology in Memory-Mode, customer need to procure an RPQ approval from VMware. 
  • It is important to highlight that VMware is supporting the Intel Optane Persistent Memory in memory mode and committed to develop the use-cases and market in close collaboration with Intel
  • As this technology is new and runs at slower speed than DDR memory, we want to educate the market and develop the right use-cases and expectation. Due to this reason, VMware wants to work closely with early customers and help them succeed
  • To address the above requirement, VMware is leveraging the existing RPQ process for early customers, VMware representative need to file the RPQ for interested customers. VMware request specific information from the customer environment. You can find the detailed information about filing the customer RPQ for Intel Optane Persistent Memory-mode here
  • It is important to note that RPQ process is only for early customers. Once we develop the early success stories and use-case, VMware has all the intent to remove the RPQ requirements and make this technology as generally supported. 

Please note, VMware is committed to support Intel Optane Persistent Memory in both modes “App-Direct” and “Memory-mode”. If you have any question, please feel free to reach out to @Sudhanshu Jain

Sudhanshu (Suds) Jain
Product Management – Cloud Infrastructure
Office: 650.427.7672 | Mobile: 408.393.7668

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