
Thursday, February 12, 2015

general port vs trunk port

On a Port in General Mode you can have more than one untagged Vlan. So it is used for 802.1x Ports or Mac based Vlan configuration.

If you want only one untagged Vlan use you can also use the Trunk Mode. With Switchport mode trunk the Switch tagges all vlans (exept the native) so it is not necessary to have a allow list like in general mode.

N Series


Access — The port belongs to a single untagged VLAN.

Configure a Vlan Untagged to a Port,  In the Example VLAN 23.

console(config)# interface gi1/0/8
console(config-if)# switchport mode access
console(config-if)# switchport access vlan 23


Trunk vs. General Mode

·         In General Mode are egress more then one untagged Vlans possible


General — The port belongs to VLANs, and each VLAN is user-defined as tagged or untagged (full 802.1Q mode).

Several Vlans tagged and / or untagged configured on a port, eg Uplink (the Vlans 23, 25 are the tagged Vlans, Vlans 24, 27 are untagged, untagged packets that are received in the example will be switched on VLAN 24 (PVID).
The port configuration must be in respect of the tagged / untagged Vlans the same as its counterpart, switch, server can be established). If Only the Command console(config-if)# switchport mode general
is configured then the following Defaults are present:

General Mode PVID: 1 (default)                   -> Vlan 1 untagged
General Mode Ingress Filtering: Enabled
General Mode Acceptable Frame Type: Admit All
General Mode Dynamically Added VLANs:
General Mode Untagged VLANs: 1
General Mode Tagged VLANs:                     -> NO Vlan Tagged
General Mode Forbidden VLANs:

console(config)# interface gi1/0/11
console(config-if)# switchport mode general
console(config-if)# switchport general allowed vlan add 23,25 tagged
console(config-if)# switchport general allowed vlan add 24,27 untagged
console(config-if)# switchport general pvid 24


Trunk — The port belongs to VLANs on which all ports are tagged (except for one per port that can be untagged).

Several Vlans tagged  plus one untagged configured on a port, eg Uplink (the Vlans 23, 24, 25 are the tagged Vlans, Vlan 22 is untagged, untagged packets that are received in the example will be switched on VLAN 22.
The port configuration must be in respect of the tagged / untagged Vlans the same as its counterpart, switch, server can be established). If Only the Command console(config-if)# switchport mode trunk
is configured then the following Defaults are present:

Trunking Mode Native VLAN: 1 (default)    -> Vlan 1 untagged
Trunking Mode Native VLAN Tagging: Disabled
Trunking Mode VLANs Enabled: All            -> ALL Vlans Tagged, except Native Vlan 1

console(config)# interface gi1/0/9
console(config-if)# switchport mode trunk
console(config-if)# switchport mode trunk native vlan 22
console(config-if)# switchport mode trunk allowed vlan add 22-25




By default, all interfaces are in Layer 3 mode and not belonging to any Vlan. So you could configure an IP address on the port concerned, as on a classical router.

RVL-S4810-1# show int ten 0/46 status

Port     Description  Status Speed     Duplex Vlan
Te 0/46               Down   Auto       Auto   --           -> member in none Vlan


To configure the port in a Vlan, you  must make a change to Layer2 / switch port Mode. It also falls automatically to the default untagged Vlan. This is by default Vlan 1. It can be be changed if necessary RVL-S4810-1(conf)#default vlan-id xxx.

A Default VLAN IP address can not be given. To obtain an IP interface to Vlan 1 you must change the default Vlan to another Vlan first

RVL-S4810-1#show int ten 0/46 status

Port     Description  Status Speed     Duplex Vlan
Te 0/46               Down   Auto      Auto    1     -> untagged member in default Vlan

To change untagged Vlan:

RVL-S4810-1(conf)# int vlan 2
RVL-S4810-1(conf-if-vl-2)#untagged tengigabitethernet 0/46
RVL-S4810-1#show int ten 0/46 status

Port     Description  Status Speed     Duplex Vlan
Te 0/46               Down   Auto      Auto   2      -> now untagged member in Vlan 2


To make the port to trunk port and to tag multiple Vlans without a untagged native VLAN.

RVL-S4810-1#show int ten 0/46 status

Port     Description  Status Speed     Duplex Vlan
Te 0/46               Down   Auto      Auto    1          -> untagged member in default Vlan (will be changed/removed when adding the first tagged Vlan)

To add tagged Vlans (here you can see, that the native vlan is removed and the the switch tag all Vlans):

RVL-S4810-1(conf-if-te-0/46)#int vlan 3
RVL-S4810-1(conf-if-vl-3)#tagged tengigabitethernet 0/46
RVL-S4810-1#show int ten 0/46 status

Port     Description  Status Speed     Duplex Vlan
Te 0/46               Down   Auto      Auto   3

RVL-S4810-1(conf-if-te-0/46)#int vlan 4
RVL-S4810-1(conf-if-vl-4)#tagged tengigabitethernet 0/46

RVL-S4810-1#show int ten 0/46 status
Port     Description  Status Speed     Duplex Vlan
Te 0/46               Down   Auto      Auto   3-4

With RVL-S4810-2# show vlan you can see which Ports are tagged and untagged Members on the Vlans:

RVL-S4810-2# show vlan

Codes: * - Default VLAN, G - GVRP VLANs, R - Remote Port Mirroring VLANs, P - Pimary, C - Community, I - Isolated
       O - Openflow
Q: U - Untagged, T - Tagged
   x - Dot1x untagged, X - Dot1x tagged
   o - OpenFlow untagged, O - OpenFlow tagged
   G - GVRP tagged, M - Vlan-stack, H - VSN tagged
   i - Internal untagged, I - Internal tagged, v - VLT untagged, V - VLT tagged

    NUM    Status    Description                     Q Ports
    1      Active                                             
    2      Active                                   
    3      Active                                    T Te 0/46             -> 0/46 now tagged member in Vlan 3
    4      Active                                    T Te 0/46             -> 0/46 now tagged member in Vlan 4

No untagged native VLAN !!! Port is not in hybride Mode !!


To make the port to trunk port and to tag multiple Vlans or to make double tagging on it, it must be configured in the Port Mode Hybrid.

Is it not in the default mode (Layer 3, see above) you have to configure it in these default configure mode:

RVL-S4810-1(conf-if-te-0/46)#portmode hybrid
% Error: Port is in Layer-2 mode Te 0/46.

RVL-S4810-1(conf-if-te-0/46)#int vlan 2
RVL-S4810-1(conf-if-vl-2)#no untagged tengigabitethernet 0/46
RVL-S4810-1(conf-if-te-0/46)#no switchport

Now you can change the port mode:

RVL-S4810-1(conf-if-te-0/46)#portmode hybrid

RVL-S4810-1#show int tengigabitethernet 0/46 status

Port     Description  Status Speed     Duplex Vlan
Te 0/46               Down   Auto      Auto   --           -> member in none Vlan

Now you can add Vlans tagged and untagged to the Port:

RVL-S4810-1#show int ten 0/46 status

Port     Description  Status Speed     Duplex Vlan
Te 0/46               Down   Auto      Auto    1          -> untagged member in default Vlan

To change the untagged Vlan:

RVL-S4810-1(conf)# int vlan 2
RVL-S4810-1(conf-if-vl-2)#untagged tengigabitethernet 0/46
RVL-S4810-1#show int ten 0/46 status

Port     Description  Status Speed     Duplex Vlan
Te 0/46               Down   Auto      Auto   2           -> now untagged member in Vlan 2

To add additional tagged Vlans:

RVL-S4810-1(conf-if-te-0/46)#int vlan 3
RVL-S4810-1(conf-if-vl-3)#tagged tengigabitethernet 0/46
RVL-S4810-1#show int ten 0/46 status

Port     Description  Status Speed     Duplex Vlan
Te 0/46               Down   Auto      Auto   2-3

RVL-S4810-1(conf-if-te-0/46)#int vlan 4
RVL-S4810-1(conf-if-vl-4)#tagged tengigabitethernet 0/46

RVL-S4810-1#show int ten 0/46 status
Port     Description  Status Speed     Duplex Vlan
Te 0/46               Down   Auto      Auto   2-4

With RVL-S4810-2# show vlan you can see which Ports are tagged and untagged Members on the Vlans:

RVL-S4810-2# show vlan

Codes: * - Default VLAN, G - GVRP VLANs, R - Remote Port Mirroring VLANs, P - Pimary, C - Community, I - Isolated
       O - Openflow
Q: U - Untagged, T - Tagged
   x - Dot1x untagged, X - Dot1x tagged
   o - OpenFlow untagged, O - OpenFlow tagged
   G - GVRP tagged, M - Vlan-stack, H - VSN tagged
   i - Internal untagged, I - Internal tagged, v - VLT untagged, V - VLT tagged

    NUM    Status    Description                     Q Ports
    1      Active                                    U Te 0/1-45,47-48         
    2      Active                                    U Te 0/46            -> 0/46 now untagged member in Vlan 2
    3      Active                                    T Te 0/46            -> 0/46 now tagged member in Vlan 3
   4      Active                                    T Te 0/46             -> 0/46 now tagged member in Vlan 4


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