This command can be used to remove stack information. Yes, even the sticky stuff left in NVRAM. This is much, much easier for our customers to convert stacked units (especially those remote to the equipment).
Upgrade the stack to 9.5 or 9.6 and then abort BMP when prompted
1) Use the following command to set the switch to factory default, including the stacking ports
#restore factory-defaults stack-unit all clear-all
Proceed: yes
2) When prompted about BMP, select A:
To continue with the standard manual interactive mode, it is necessary to abort BMP.
Press A to abort BMP now.
Press C to continue with BMP.
Press L to toggle BMP syslog and console messages.
Press S to display the BMP status.
[A/C/L/S]: A
3) Check to make sure that after the reboot the reload-type will be normal-reload
Dell#show reload-type
Reload-Type : bmp [Next boot : normal-reload]
auto-save : disable
config-scr-download : enable
dhcp-timeout : disable
vendor-class-identifier :
retry-count : 0
4) reload
Details on the command included here (can be found in the most recent Program Status).
In OS 9.5, we introduced a new command to reset the switch to factory default mode. The command is Dell# restore factory-defaults stack-unit all clear-all It does the following:
•Deletes the startup configuration
•Clears the NOVRAM and Boot variables, depending on the arguments passed
•Enables BMP
•Resets the user ports to their default native modes (ie., non-stacking, no 40G to 4x10G breakouts, etc.)
•Removes all CLI users Then, the command reloads the switch in a similar state to a brand new device Restore does not change the current OS images and partition from which the switch will boot up. Likewise, restore does not delete any of the files you store in the SD (except startup-config)
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