
Monday, April 26, 2021

VMware Process for obtaining Internal Use Licenses from March, 2021


General Information:

·        Greetings, if you need licenses for Internal use, there are two programs to be aware of as an alternative to licenses previously furnished on BuildWeb
that are approved by Legal and Compliance:


    1. For Internal licenses for individual use, I suggest that you apply for a set of individual licenses through the VMware Employee License program (vELP)
      portal at, that provides a set of over 40 uniquely assigned licenses for allowed internal uses, as explained on the Portal.
      Over 2,100 employees already participate and have been assigned over 95,000 unique licenses.


    1. For Internal licenses for individual use that are not in the package that vELP Participants receive, or need special entitlements, you can apply for
      Internal Use licenses through an application process. This same application process is followed if you need long-expiration licenses, such as for PM/PMM
      or GSS Labs, or Permanent licenses for our Production Systems.


·        To apply for an Internal use license for cases where the vELP Licenses are not appropriate for the reasons cited above, you:



    1. Obtain your Manager’s approval


There is no charge to your BU/Cost Center to participate in the vELP program or to request Internal use licenses.


Thank you,

Bob Slovick

Senior Program Manager - License Management

Worldwide Sales Strategy & Operations WWSSO - License Management (he/him/his)

VMware Inc - Home Office-Colorado USA MDT/UTC -6 AD0HI

VCP #489 VCP 2-4 VCP-DCV 5-6

VMware Social Internal Evaluation License Support Space:

The latest available License SKU guidance is always at

The latest available License Request form is always at

To escalate a request, please forward the case information and the reasons for the escalation to

If you have a confidential license request, or information about licensing of a confidential nature, please email it to

VMware Employee License Program 

#489 VCP 2-4 VCP-DCV 5-6



Friday, April 16, 2021

TAM request for Escalation SR

Escalation request must be send to

  • Technical Support Engineer (TSE) owning SR
  • Manager of TSE
  • Manager of TAM


Email Subject Line: Account Name/ SR Number/ Situation
Example: ABC Bank/ 1234567/ VC Down P1
Email Body:
VMware SR Number:
EA Name:
Product Name:
Customer Temperature:
Support Entitlement:
Issue Description/ Issue summary:
Escalation Justification/ Business impact (Example: Production Down situation/ Deal Pending/ Executive Visibility/ Critical Timeline or Deadline/ Any other important information):
Customer ask/ requested action:

Email should looks like following example ... 

Hello REM teams,

I work as TAM for Ceske Radiokomunikace and I’m in touch with TSE (Danijel).

We need traction on this PR 2742319 from Engineering team.

[SR#] 21207723903

[SR Severity]: P1 

[PR#] 2742319

[PR Priority]: P0

[SR Open Date]: 3/24/2021 5:59 AM CET


[PR/JIRA Open Date]: 2021-03-25 04:48:13 Pacific 

[Customer Account Name] Czech Radiocomunications


[Entitlement]: Production Support Agreement

[Product Name]: vSphere with Kubernetis 

[Product Version]: vCenter version 7.0U2 with NSX-T 3.1.1

[Environment Type]: Production

[Production down?]: No but new deployments impacted 


[Brief description of the issue / customer background]:
The customer is the biggest Cloud Service Provider here in Czechia offering also CaaS with VMware vSphere Tanzu.

His end users creating TKG guests clusters via vCloud Director are impacted.

It was identified that it is not the vCloud Director problem but vSphere with Tanzu problem.  

The problem is with creating new clusters directly in vcenter via kubectl.

Some TKG clusters are deployed successfully, but some deployments fail.

[Business Justification and Impact]: It has a business visibility and impacting cloud provider significantly. It is negatively impacting growth of CaaS service and also the brand name of VMware Tanzu (Kubernetes) product.


[Has EE Reviewed?]: yes

[Manager & Sr. Manager]: 

GSS Org - Kevin Garland, Donal Hosey EMEA

TAM Org - David Ginzberg, Amanda Hill EMEA

Thank you


David Pasek, VMware - Staff TAM (Technical Account Manager)

Email: Mobile: +420 602 525 736

Zoom Personal Meeting Room: Password: 344040

Personal blog:


Customer Experience is very important to us.

Please forward any feedback about myself to my manager David Ginzberg (



Sunday, April 11, 2021

Install NGINX on FreeBSD + Letsencrypt SSL Certificates

OS Update

freebsd-update fetch

freebsd-update install

Package update

pkg update

Install and configure NGINX

pkg install nginx

sysrc nginx_enable=YES

NGINX configuration - /usr/local/etc/nginx/nginx.conf

Web content location - /usr/local/www/nginx

Configuration of virtual hosts is documented at

Config Example

    server {
        listen       80;
        listen       443 ssl;
        ssl_certificate      /usr/local/etc/letsencrypt/live/;
        ssl_certificate_key  /usr/local/etc/letsencrypt/live/;
        ssl_session_cache    shared:SSL:1m;
        ssl_session_timeout  5m;
        ssl_ciphers  HIGH:!aNULL:!MD5;
        ssl_prefer_server_ciphers  on;
        location / {
            root   /home/dpasek/www/math4kids;
            index  index.html index.htm;

Other NGINX Resources

SSL Certificates with

# Install certbot
pkg install py37-certbot

# Stop NGINX - this is needed to create new SSL certifiacate
service nginx stop

# Create new SSl Certificate
certbot certonly --standalone
certbot certonly --standalone -d
or more domains
certbot certonly --standalone -d -d

# start NGINX
service nginx start

# SSL Certification renewal automation
put in /etc/periodic.conf
weekly_certbot_service="nginx" # this will stop and start NGINX service during certification renewal
# for more info look at file /usr/local/etc/periodic/weekly/500.certbot-3.7 

# Add the script to restart NGINX in case of certificate renewal
cd /usr/local/etc/letsencrypt/renewal-hooks/deploy/

service nginx reload
chmod 755