
Tuesday, December 24, 2019

How to Use Netcat Commands


root@flxb-node-01:~ # nc -z -v 80
Connection to 80 port [tcp/http] succeeded!

root@flxb-node-01:~ # nc -z -v 443
Connection to 443 port [tcp/https] succeeded!

Monday, December 16, 2019

Clone Nested ESXi

The easiest and cleaner way after the clone, is to completely reset ESXi system configurations

I find the "reset system configuration" in DCUI very useful for this task.
There is also a way to perform this task via SSH:

#  /sbin/ --reset   (this will automatically reboot your host)
# /sbin/ --reset-only (this will not reboot host and needs to be done manually)

However, if you do not want to start from scratch you can tweek cloned system. The process is inspired by

# to inherit vmknic MAC addresses from hardware NICs (actually vNICs)

esxcli system settings advanced set -o /Net/FollowHardwareMac -i 1

esxcli system settings advanced list -o /Net/FollowHardwareMac

# change IP settings and DNS hostname
Do it in DCUI

# reset ESXi UUID

sed -i 's/system\/uuid.*//' /etc/vmware/esx.conf

# Verification of ESXi UUID - esxcli
esxcli system uuid get

# Verification of ESXi UUIDs for all ESXi hosts within vCenter - powercli
Get-VMHost | Select Name,@{N='ESXi System UUid';E={(Get-Esxcli -VMHost $_).system.uuid.get()}}

# if the ESXi host was cloned from the ESXi host already connected to vCenter reset VPXA config

edit file /etc/vmware/vpxa/vpxa.cfg
locate section <vpxa></vpxa> and delete all content inside


# just in case local datastore was cloned along with ESXi

esxcli storage vmfs snapshot resignature -l datastore1

# NOTE: to have nested vSAN on native vSAN, you have to add following settings into your physical vSAN nodes
esxcli system settings advanced set -o /VSAN/FakeSCSIReservations -i 1


# Historicky se pry pouzivala tato nastaveni

esxcli system settings advanced set -o /VMFS3/HardwareAcceleratedLocking -i 1
esxcli system settings advanced set -o /LSOM/VSANDeviceMonitoring -i 0
esxcli system settings advanced set -o /LSOM/lsomSlowDeviceUnmount -i 0
esxcli system settings advanced set -o /VSAN/SwapThickProvisionDisabled -i 1
esxcli system settings advanced set -o /VSAN/FakeSCSIReservations -i 1

esxcli system settings advanced list -o /VMFS3/HardwareAcceleratedLocking
esxcli system settings advanced list -o /LSOM/VSANDeviceMonitoring
esxcli system settings advanced list -o /LSOM/lsomSlowDeviceUnmount
esxcli system settings advanced list -o /VSAN/SwapThickProvisionDisabled
esxcli system settings advanced list -o /VSAN/FakeSCSIReservations

# Default hodnoty jsou
esxcli system settings advanced set -o /VMFS3/HardwareAcceleratedLocking -i 1
esxcli system settings advanced set -o /LSOM/VSANDeviceMonitoring -i 1
esxcli system settings advanced set -o /LSOM/lsomSlowDeviceUnmount -i 1
esxcli system settings advanced set -o /VSAN/SwapThickProvisionDisabled -i 1
esxcli system settings advanced set -o /VSAN/FakeSCSIReservations -i 1

Sunday, December 1, 2019

2-Node vSAN design and performance test

2-node vSAN
capacity planning

ESXi Logical Specification

ESXi Logical Specification

vSAN Logical Design

vSAN Logical Design
Results of performance tests generated by IOmeter

Results of performance tests

Saturday, November 23, 2019

vSAN Components on ESXi host

[root@esx11:~] esxcli vsan debug limit get
   Component Limit Health: green
   Max Components: 9000
   Free Components: 8982
   Disk Free Space Health: green
   Lowest Free Disk Space: 55 %
   Used Disk Space: 216048599040 bytes
   Used Disk Space (GB): 201.21 GB
   Total Disk Space: 480092618752 bytes
   Total Disk Space (GB): 447.12 GB
   Read Cache Free Reservation Health: green
   Reserved Read Cache Size: 0 bytes
   Reserved Read Cache Size (GB): 0.00 GB
   Total Read Cache Size: 0 bytes
   Total Read Cache Size (GB): 0.00 GB

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Power Cycle a VM on Guest OS Reboot

There are a number of times in a virtual machine’s life where it needs to be power cycled (graceful OS shut down, VM powered off,  and then powered on again). For example:
  1. Remediations for CPU vulnerabilities like Spectre, Meltdown, L1TF, and MDS all require a customer to power a VM off and then back on to pick up CPU instruction updates (MDCLEAR, etc.).
  2. EVC changes, where a customer wants to alter cluster EVC settings but would require large-scale effort and/or downtime, which is untenable.
  3. EVC changes, where a customer wishes to make a VM able to migrate seamlessly between discrete vSphere installations and/or VMware Cloud on AWS locations.
  4. Changed-Block Tracking (CBT) enablement on VMs, where VMs need to be power-cycled to start CBT as part of a backup system install (Veeam, Rubrik, Cohesity, et al all require this).
For most customers this is the hardest part of any of these tasks because our products don’t make it easy to do. To get it done the customer needs to do it manually or automate it themselves (difficult for many), and then schedule & coordinate it outside of other maintenance windows, which is almost impossible for many of our customers.
Many customers do have regular maintenance windows, though, where patching of guest OSes occurs. However, guest OS patching causes the OS to reboot, but does not change the power state of the virtual machine/virtual machine monitor itself.
The scheduled VM hardware upgrade shows us that there’s already something in vSphere that can do this. That hardware upgrade process WILL power-cycle a VM when the guest OS is rebooted, and the customer, when scheduling the upgrade, has the choice to only do it on graceful shutdowns. That’s wonderful because it can then be seamlessly worked into regular OS patching cycles and it's low risk.
What if that power-cycle-on-shutdown functionality were exposed more generally to customers, as something they could ask vSphere to do for them at any time, for whatever reason the customer might have? It would certainly solve the four huge examples above, as well as enable what Mr. Blair Fritz dubbed “lazy EVC changes” which would make EVC more flexible and improve its use. VAC shows 21% EVC usage, which is staggeringly low considering how powerful a tool EVC is for expansion, migration, and vulnerability mitigation.
Let’s make EVC changes, CBT enablement, and all these CPU vulnerabilities – present and future – be frictionless for our customers and their millions of VMs!

Just a note.  James Yarbrough did the engineering to add this to 6.7U3.

This powerCLI snippet should do it for you:
       Get-VM  | New-AdvancedSetting -Name “vmx.reboot.powerCycle" -value $true

It will be included in upcoming releases of 6.5 and 6.0 patches as well.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

How to use vSAN Observer

1/ SSH somewhere where you have RVC. It can be for example VCSA or HCIbench appliance


2/ Run RVC command-line interface and connect to your vCenter where you have vSphere cluster with vSAN service enabled


3/ In RVC CLI go to your vSphere cluster with vSAN service enabled

cd localhost/
cd ROBO-P6
cd computers
cd vSAN

4/ Start vSAN Observer ./ --run-webserver --force

or one-liner -r /localhost/ROBO-P6/computers/vSAN

5/ Go to vSAN Observer web interface

vSAN Observer is available at https://[IP-ADDRESS-OF-RVC-HOST]:8010

In my case, it is running at

For further info

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Access to systems

Homelab SSH Tunnel

ssh -L 3389: -p 2233 cdave@

Putty config -

FlexBook Production

ssh cdave@ -p 2222

Thursday, May 2, 2019

PSC Convergence from External to Embedded mode & Network Ports

TCP 443
TCP 2012
TCP 2014
TCP 2015
TCP/UDP 2020
TCP 5480
TCP 8281

Tuesday, April 9, 2019

vMotion and Virtual Switches

vMotion vSwitche N-VDS VDS VSS

Live migration of a VM from one NVDS to another NVDS was failing and Powering off the VM.

 thinks LS with same network name across datacenter to be different 
networks and send a deviceBackingChange in the migrateSpec even if the 
vMotion is over same LS.

1). Live migration of a VM from NVDS to same NVDS within same Datacenter and across Datacenters is now PASSING.
2). Live migration of a VM from one NVDS to another NVDS within same Datacenter and across Datacenters is now BLOCKING.
3). Live migration of a VM from VSS to NVDS and vice-versa within same Datacenter and across Datacenters is now PASSING.

VC: 12713247 (vSphere67u2)
ESXi: 12698103 (vSphere67u2)


(1). Live migration of VM across VSS, DVS and NVDS(OPN) both in single and across VC/Datacenters.
       Network-Path                          Same-DC       Across-DC       XVC (Across VC)
  VSS1 -> VSS1 (different PG)                 PASS(E1)        NA                NA
  VSS1 -> VSS2 (within same host)             PASS(E1)        NA                NA
  VSS1 -> VSS2 (with different configs)       PASS           PASS              PASS
  VSS1 -> VSS2                                PASS           PASS              PASS
  DVS1 -> DVS1 (same port group)              PASS            NA                NA
  DVS1 -> DVS1 (different port group)         PASS            NA                NA
  DVS1 -> DVS2 (with different configs)       PASS           PASS              PASS
  DVS1 -> DVS2                                PASS           PASS              PASS
  OPN1 -> OPN1                                PASS           PASS              PASS
  OPN1 -> OPN2                                PASS(B1)       PASS(B1)          PASS(B1)
  DVS -> VSS                                  PASS(B1)       PASS(B1)          PASS(B1)
  VSS -> DVS                                  PASS           PASS              PASS
  VSS -> OPN                                  PASS           PASS              PASS
  OPN -> VSS                                  PASS           PASS              PASS
  DVS -> OPN                                  PASS           PASS              PASS
  OPN -> DVS                                  PASS           PASS              PASS
  VSS, DVS, OPN -> OPN, DVS, VSS              PASS           PASS              PASS
  VSS, DVS, OPN -> OPN, OPN, DVS              PASS           PASS              PASS
  VSS, DVS, OPN -> VSS, OPN, DVS              PASS           PASS              PASS
  VSS, DVS, OPN -> OPN, OPN, OPN              PASS           PASS              PASS
  VSS, DVS, OPN -> VSS, OPN, OPN              PASS           PASS              PASS
  VSS, DVS, OPN -> OPN, DVS, OPN              PASS           PASS              PASS
  VSS, DVS, OPN -> DVS, DVS, OPN              PASS           PASS              PASS
  VSS, DVS, OPN -> DVS, OPN, OPN              PASS           PASS              PASS
  VSS, DVS, OPN -> VSS, OPN, VSS              PASS           PASS              PASS
  VSS, DVS, OPN -> OPN, DVS, DVS              PASS           PASS              PASS
  VSS, DVS, OPN -> DVS, OPN, VSS              PASS           PASS              PASS
  VSS, DVS, OPN -> OPN, OPN, VSS              PASS           PASS              PASS
  VSS, DVS, OPN -> DVS, OPN, DVS              PASS           PASS              PASS
  With Disconnected Network Adapter           PASS           PASS              PASS
  Different NVDS with Same Name               PASS           PASS              PASS

E1 -> Error stack:
 VM standalone-cbd6dd057-esx.2-vm.0 to different network without 
changing its host is not supported. Please use Reconfigure API to change
 VM's network.

B1 -> "Currently connected network interface" 
'Network adapter 1' cannot use network 'LogicalNetwork2 
(nsx.LogicalSwitch:00021250-382c-995d-2ae4-56c5c6fbe603)', because "the 
type of the destination network is not supported for vMotion based on 
the source network type".
See KB article 56991 for more details.

(2). Compatibility checks for scenarios where destination switch is without PNIC.
       Network-Path                        Same-DC         XVC (Across VC)
  VSS1 -> VSS2 (without pnics)            BLOCK(CE)         BLOCK(CE)
  VSS1 (without pnics) -> VSS2              PASS               PASS
  VSS -> DVS (without pnics)              BLOCK(CE)         BLOCK(CE)
  VSS (without pnics) -> DVS                PASS               PASS
  DVS1 -> DVS2 (without pnics)            BLOCK(CE)         BLOCK(CE)
  DVS1 (without pnics) -> DVS2              PASS               PASS
  OPN -> VSS (without pnics)              BLOCK(CE)         BLOCK(CE)
  VSS (without pnics) -> OPN                PASS               PASS
  OPN -> DVS (without pnics)                (NE)               (NE)
  DVS (without pnics) -> OPN                PASS               PASS

 Error (CE) -> Currently connected network interface 'device' uses 
network 'network', which is a 'virtual intranet'.

Not Expected (NE) -> Allowing migration without CE. Raised Bug – 2289453

(3). Destination network not accessible cases.
Delete the destination network before migration process starts.
 Network-Path              Result
  VSS -> DVS                PASS(E1)
  OPN -> VSS                PASS(E1)
  OPN -> DVS                PASS(E1)
  VSS -> OPN                PASS(E2)
  DVS -> OPN                PASS(E2)

Task Error (E1) - "currently connected network interface 'device' uses network 'network', which is not accessible."

Task Error (E2) - "A general system error occurred: Invalid fault"

(4). Suspended VM migration cases.
 Network-Path              Same-DC      XVC (Across VC)
  VSS -> DVS                PASS             PASS
  VSS -> OPN                PASS             PASS
  DVS -> OPN                PASS             PASS
  OPN -> DVS                PASS             PASS
  OPN -> VSS                PASS             PASS
  DVS -> VSS                (CW)             (CW)
  OPN1 -> OPN2              PASS             PASS
  VSS1 -> VSS2              PASS             PASS
  DVS1 -> DVS2              PASS             PASS

 Warning (CW) -> Network interface" 'Network adapter 1' cannot use 
network 'VM Network', because "the type of the destination network is 
not supported for vMotion based on the source network type.

Datastore capacity expansion issue

TAM recommended to create new additional 4TB datastore, format it to VMFS 6 and use storage migration from old datastore (ibm103-xx) to new datastore (ibm104-xx).
Old datastore (ibm103-xx) will be empty and next week we will do further troubleshooting of old datastore (ibm103-xx) and will try datastore expansion in Host Client (HTML5).
voma -m vmfs -f check -d /vmfs/devices/disks/naa.00000000000000000000000000000703:3
Running the esxcli storage core device list command shows the size of the extended LUN.
Running the vmkfstools -Ph /vmfs/volumes<datastore name> command shows the original size of datastore
Command partedUtil - Using the partedUtil command line utility on ESXi and ESX (1036609) -
The whole runbook procedure is describe in VMware KB: Growing a local datastore from the command line in vSphere ESXi (2002461) -

Wednesday, February 27, 2019

APD - ExtendAPDCondition

Good To Know about this advanced setting.

[root@esx24:~] esxcli system settings advanced list -o /Scsi/ExtendAPDCondition
   Path: /Scsi/ExtendAPDCondition
   Type: integer
   Int Value: 0
   Default Int Value: 0
   Min Value: 0
   Max Value: 1
   String Value:
   Default String Value:
   Valid Characters:
   Description: Trigger APD condition when paths are in unavailable states

VMware VDS Healthcheck enhancement


Customer give the feedback for healthcheck about scalability issues. There are two things here:
1.     Currently, each uplink will send out broadcast packets for each vlan, if vlan range is big, then that will cause physical switch flushes its port’s lookup table and the normal traffic will be flooding, and cause performance issue.
2.     Currently, we send out quite a lot broadcast packets at the same time, and those broadcast will introduce a lot of ACK packets followed, and thus it causes traffic bursted for this healthcheck.
We need to work out a way to reduce multicast packets number sending by healthcheck and resolve the lookup table flush issue.

Scope and requests

The scope is for vSphere-2016 release.
The requests are:
1.     Can do one time check for specific vlan.
2.     Resolve the physical switch flush lookup table issue.
3.     Reduce the broadcast packets as much as possible.

Detail design

In the new design, healthcheck will provide:
      User can specified vlan checking range instead of whole vlan range of DVS.
      User can specified vlan checking at certain host instead of all hosts within same DVS.
      Using unicast packet instead of broadcast to avoid broadcast storm and response packets(same host might not need to send back the ACK packets) when there are more than two physical uplinks connected to this DVS on this host.
      Change the ACK mode: there will be no ACK packets send out from the same host. If the receiving packet is sending from the same host, just mark the session is ACK’ed directly instead of sending back the ACK packets to physical host to the same host.

Provide UI interface in order to do customizing vlan/MTU check:

User can specify the vlan range and select the hosts to run the check, and the results listed per host as well. From the UI side, we need to provide following interface to let customer initiate his customized vlan MTU check.

For the result showing, we can use the current format to show result for both one time checking and periodical checking.

Changes for management plane:

From MP side, the original code get VLAN settings from all DVPorts and DVPortgroups, we need to provide VIMAPI to accept inputted VLAN range from UI side and to initialize the one time checking.

The way to fetch result does not need to change.

Changes in data plane:

Change the way to send out probing packets.

Original vlanMTU  check model:

In the original design, each uplink will send out broadcast packets for each configured vlanID. And the ACK’ed packets will received from both same host and other hosts within one same DVS.


In the new design, all uplinks of the same vswitch will be treated as one same checking group instead of sending out packets separately in order to reduce the number of packets sending to the physical switch. Here is the reasons:
-       If the unicast packet of specific vlanID sending from uplink0 to uplink1 is ACK’ed by uplink1, it indicates that this vlanID configuration is correct on both uplink0 and uplink1; if it is not ACK’ed by uplink1, but the same vlanID is ACK’ed by another uplink2, it indicates that vlanID is setting correct on uplink0 and uplink2 and is wrong on uplink1.
The overall design is:
-       If the vswitch has only one uplink,  it will send out broadcast packet as it did in old version.
-       If there are more than 1 linkup uplinks, it will choose the first linkup uplink, and make all other linkup uplinks are destination ports and send out unicast packet for each vlanID to each other uplink.
-       If the ticket get all ACK’ed packets from all other uplinks, mark all vlanID setting is corret.
-       If received only from part of all other uplinks, picked each ACK uplink and mark both vlanID correct for the source uplink and ACK’ed uplink.
-       If there are vlanIDs did not receive ACK packet from any other uplinks, choose the next uplink as source uplink, send unicast packets to all following uplinks for all non-ACK’ed vlanIDs. Recording ACK’ed vlanID for each uplink and repeat this until: 1) there is no untrunked vlanID; 2) the last uplink.
-       Comparing all trunked vlan bitmap of all uplinks with configured vlan bitmap, if there are still vlanIDs untrunked, trigger another round of broadcast phase for each uplink for each untrunked vlanID just as previous version. Doing this, in order to reduce the chance that the vlanID settings in correct at only one of the uplinks or there is LAG configured at physical switch side. If there is a LAG configured at physical switch side, unicast packets sending among uplinks within one LAG will not be received by the targeted port, but broadcast packets can be responsed by remote hosts. So we need to send out broadcast packets as second round of checking.

Please refer to figure.1 below:

                               Figure. 1  New model of vlan MTU check

Detailed flowchart is:

ACK model change:

In the new design, if the request packets sending among uplinks belong to same DVS and the same host, will not send back ACK packets and will updated the ticket’s ACK’ed list directly in order to reduce the unicast packet packet amount and reduce the possibility to flush the MAC table of physical switch.

Risk and assumptions:

The new design uses unicast packets replacing the broadcast packets,  that makes the ways to sending packets and checking process change totally, vlanmtucheck module will be re-architectured, it will introduce code changes at most of the places. So need QE team to run healthcheck testing for good quality.

Part of this change requests UI and MP resource, without that, customized checking request is not possible to implement for most of that changes is in UI and MP side.

Test cases

For this design will change the way to run vlan MTU check, uplinks with the same DVS at the same host will interact together, so need to design new test cases to cover this.