FTOS#start shell
Login: root
Password: abracadabra31
SStk-0 # writefru
Pick option 8 "Update Programmed fields"
Change "Board Product Name" to
"MXL 10/40GbE"
Skip changing other fields with "." and "Enter" èThis is important! If you do not follow this, it may corrupt the FRU and brick your board!
èIf you make a mistake here, press Ctrl-C to abort and type “writefru” again.
èNOTE: Leave “Software Manageability set to 4
Do you
want to program: Y
Password: abracadabra31
This takes ~4 minutes.
After it's done, check the value of the FRU Board Product Name typing "writefru" again and selecting option 1 "Read FRU Contents"
Reboot the board, when FTOS prompt comes back do a "show system brief".
You should see "ReqTyp" and "CurTyp" as "MXL-10/40GbE".