
Friday, March 27, 2015

EqualLogic - connection load balancing

grpparams conn-balancing disable

Other settings having impact

TCP Offload Engine v nastavení karet – OFF
Flow Control – On resp. Auto
Ze sitovek odstraneny nepotrebne bindy a protokoly: Client MS Network, QOS, File&Print a IPV6
Nastaveny JUMBO frames
Instalace MS KB974909 (The network connection of a running Hyper-V virtual machine is lost under heavy outgoing network traffic on a Windows Server 2008 R2-based computer)

Switche               – STP off (can cause port off up to 50sec)

                               – RSTP on (can cause port off up to 12sec), je akceptovatelne to se tusim nechalo ON

Monday, March 23, 2015

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

FTOS 9.7

411: Release-To-Web of Dell Networking OS 9.7 for Data Center Switches

Dell Confidential – For Internal Use Only
Dell Networking OS 9.7(0.0) delivers many new features such as support for Open Networking platforms including S6000-ON, S6000 Stacking, new automation features like Puppet, increased scale, VRF and VLT enhancements, and support for new hardware (future launches such as the 10GBaseT module for S5000 and new optics).

Note: for RTS actual shipping time will vary as 9.6 stock exhausts.

This release adds the following new features:
VRF Enhancement:
ü  VRF aware IPv4 multicast protocols
ü  Support for IPv6 unicast routing protocols per VRF
ü  Support for IS-IS for v4 and v6 VRF
ü  Route leaking across VRF instance using dynamic protocol routes
ü  Introduce VRF support on Z9500

VLT Enhancement:
ü  Support PVST+ protocol in VLT context to interop with existing
ü  PVST enabled networks
ü  Support for Q-in-Q (aka VLAN stacking) in VLT context to provide multi-tenancy in hosted service provider networks

Scaling Improvements:
ü  OS 9.7 supports a new Forwarding table mode which increases the number
ü  of IPv4 routes to 128K. This feature is applicable on S6000 and Z9500
ü  Increase in number of VRF from 64 (current) to 510
ü  2500 L3 vLANs
ü  Network Load Balancing (NLB) cluster increased from 8 (current) to 64 clusters.

Enhancements to MXL/IOA
ü  F port support on FC Flex IO - Enables direct connectivity to FC equipment through Fibre channel ports provided by FC Flex IO optional module rather than through a FC switch
ü  Secure management mode support on MXL to enable Federal certifications
ü  like UCR and CC for MXL
ü  New Hardware Support
ü  Dell Networking OS 9.7 supports S6000-ON platform. With this support, customers have the option of choosing one of the supported alternate operating systems or Dell Networking OS.
ü  Dell Networking OS 9.7 supports 12x10GBase-T module on S5000.

Z9500 Enhancement: This features enables customers to deploy Z9500 with predictable end-to-end RRoCE performance and DCB lossless Ethernet support
RRoCE Support
ü  ECN Enhancement
ü  Dynamic Load Balancing
ü  VLT scaling – Up to 512 LAG interfaces supported in a VLT config

Open Automation Enhancement
ü  BMP: Supported on IOA, Best practices upgrades: Automated failback to previous image and configuration if the SW upgrade is not committed
ü  Scripting and CLI automation: Ruby, Support for NFS, CLI command to copy OS images between partitions, TCL script on IOA
ü  DevOps: Puppet with support for NetdevOps model (Hostname, Physical Interface, VLAN, Layer 2 Interface, Link Aggregation (static))
ü  REST: Support for: Static Routes, ACL, IPv6, WECMP, IP tunnel

Other Features:
ü  S6000 stacking (up to 6 members)
ü  Dynamic config for Fan-out of 40G ports to 4x10G – Supported on S6000 and Z9500
ü  LACP Link fallback on IOA
ü  BGP Link bandwidth and Weighted ECMP support for unequal cost load sharing
ü  OpenFlow 1.3 Compliance
ü  IPv6 RA Guard
ü  DHCPv6 Snooping
ü  Ingress SFLOW
ü  MIB support per VLAN
ü  Optics support – SFP+ ZR, QSFP+ LM4 support on S4810, S4820T, S5000 (ZR optic launch pending)

Dell Networking OS 9.7(0.0) software is currently available for download to customers with an active Support Contract at the following Dell Networking Data Center iSupport download site. URL (requires login credentials):


The factory will begin cutting in 9.7 in the coming months, however stock in the hubs will still be 9.6 for some time.  Please expect your customers to receive 9.6 in the near future.

Dell Networking Z9000 NOT supported

Monday, March 2, 2015

Same MAC address on DNOS9 switches for switch-internal and OOB/management interfaces

Many times in this group questions came up why the S-Series and MXL/MIOA switches do use the same burnt in MAC addresses for the switch internal (data plane) and management interface interfaces and the problem that causes; especially on the MIOA/MXL switches.
Many different examples have been given when this gives problems for customers, especially the people who have used PowerConnect M-series switches earlier and suddenly have huge packet-loss when they try to connect to the switch management – all being caused by the same MAC address being used by vlan-interfaces and OOB/management interfaces.

Also on rack switches like S4810 or S4820 people run in same problem even if they have a dedicated OOB LAN but that does terminate on same core and the VLAN is also available on the core.

That it might be hard to change on S-series I can follow as there might be only 1 burnt-in MAC address available per switch; but on MXL and MIOA there are at least 3 MAC addresses available/reserved: so changing the address used by the physical management interfaces should be pretty simple and straightforward and the impact of the change for installed base should be minimal: only if they would use static ARP’s or similar a very small number of users might have issues: but that can be avoided by making it configurable via CLI command like:
interface ma0/0
mac-address  alternative    #this would use next available burnt-in MAC address or
no mac-address  alternative   # this would use same MAC on ma0/0 as on any SVI inside the switch  
mac-address user nn:nn:nn:nn:nn   #this would make it user-configurable, which could be used on older hardware that only has one burnt in MAC address available

I’m really surprised that all these discussions here in the past only led to one single Feature Request from Harvey Lang for the S4810: after reading all the communication in these groups I would have expected many more FR’s on this subject and for sure also on MIOA/MXL.

As I –as tech-support- can’t open FR’s I have to rely on commercial colleagues to open FR’s: so if you do think it would greatly help your customer if we can change the MAC address used for the management interfaces please do open Feature requests for your customers situation. Without requests from sales it will never be changed.


Jan Tonkens

Enterprise Technical Support Advisor
Brocade Certified FCoE Professional
Dell | EMEA Solutions Support Team
phone: +353 12792295
Dell Inc. Innovation House, Cherrywood Science & Technology Park, Dublin, Rep of Ireland